Check out this brand new Chronicles, full of goodness! Click on the image above to get it from DriveThruRPG for free!
- Starting Malifaux on a Budget – the Outcasts: Need to build a new crew on the cheap? Get top-notch advice about putting together an Outcast crew!
- A Look into GG2018: A quick rundown of the newest Gaining Grounds document and what to expect.
- Never Look a Gift Kentauroi in the Mouth: Being a Guild Guard is not a good job in the best of times...
- Iron Painter 2017: Check out the winners of last year's Iron Painter.
- Building a Gaming Board - Part One: A hobby article looking at building a winter-themed game board.
- Elements of Matrimony: A Through the Breach one-shot adventure involving a wedding and the planner getting arrested.
- What Lies Beyond: Two famous Earthside explorers find out what it's like to go into the wilds of Malifaux.
- Be Mine: A Malifaux story encounter for finding true love for up to 4 players.
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