úterý 9. srpna 2016

Wyrdí srpnový zpravodaj


It's August once again, and GenCon has come and gone. It's always a good time of the year for some reflection and some forward planning!

This month's newsletter includes a brief GenCon recap, a look at upcoming releases, a mention of our monthly promotions, and an announcement of some changes on the Wyrd team.
We wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who showed up at GenCon (or ordered from our online store). It was a really amazing show filled with great people, and it's always nice to meet more members of our community.

If you didn't get a chance to place an order, have no fear! The GenCon specials will be available on the webstore through noon on Wednesday, August 10th. It's one last chance to get that item you were thinking about.
We had an exciting new booth this year, but that's not all that's new. New systems and processes meant that our line went faster at GenCon, and our online orders started shipping before even making it back from GenCon.

Please give us time to get through the plethora of orders, but know that we're more on top of it than ever before!
With GenCon gone, it's time to look ahead to the releases over the next few months! We've got three months scheduled out, fleshing out even more Malifaux and Through the Breach.

August Releases
September Releases
October Releases
The Breachside Broadcast is a free podcast taking you through the fluff of the Malifaux universe, one story at a time! Head on over to our media section to give it a listen. With over 30 episodes, there's plenty of Malifaux for your listening pleasure!
As always, you can check out our latest local game store promotions over on the promotions section of our website. The August promotion is a random model from The Plague Cometh box set in yellow plastic, allowing you to get your sickly Hamelin models on the table!
On a final note, we are sad to announce that Justin Gibbs, who headed up Malifaux during the transition to second edition, will be leaving Wyrd. We are excited for him in this new phase of his career, however, and we wish him well. Come read hisgoodbye post on the forum and wish him well!

It will be a loss for us, but we are moving ever forward! If you (or someone you know) is interested in becoming a game designer, Wyrd will be posting a new job opening on our website sometime in the next couple of weeks.

Have a great month of August!

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