A new Penny Dreadful One Shot, Earthly Desires, is now available on DriveThruRPG for $5.
Penny Dreadful One Shots are a great way to run a quick Through the Breach game or to supplement a campaign. |
We also have a Local Game Store (LGS) promotion every month! You can see the June and July promotions below. |
A free alt Swine-Cursed model will be in the Banjonista box for boxes purchased in July (look for the bonus model included sticker). Click on the image for more information. |
If you spend $60 or more at your LGS in August, send us a copy of your receipt to receive a free alt Madame Sybelle model. Click on the image for more information. |
We have a variety of painting contests coming up this year, and we'd love it if you took part in all of them! These contests are a great way to test your skills, or just to give yourself a painting deadline.
The most dangerous women of the miniature world are ready to kick some ass. Your miniature must be female and a human (or humanoid type). This means elf, human, dwarf, cybernetically enhanced soldiers, etc. all can fit the bill. Any weapon toting, spell wielding, powerful woman that can take your breath away, permanently, will do just fine! Femme Fatale will be running from July 1st to July 31st. Submissions will begin on July 1st, the last day of submissions will be July 21st. Voting will be from July 24th – July 26th. We will announce winners on July 31st. This means there's still time to join!
Later in the year, we will also have Creature Feature and Iron Painter painting contests. To find out more, head on over to our website.
Wyrd has a variety of media available for free to everyone.
- We have a new release of our magazine, Wyrd Chronicles. The Chronicles have stories, hobby articles, RPG adventures, and more! Be sure to check out this magazine, currently available on DriveThruRPG.
- Most Mondays we release a look at something upcoming in our Monday Preview. These are a great opportunity to see what Wyrd is working on and what's coming down the pipeline. We have a lot of things to show off, so check back every Monday!
- On Fridays we try to show off some previews for the upcoming The Other Sideminiatures game. Check out some of the previews, and come by at GenCon to learn how to play the game!
- Every Wednesday a new wallpaper is made available on our website for Wallpaper Wednesday. There is a large collection of Malifaux options available, as well as a variety of options for some of our other games.
- Every other Wednesday we release a free podcast called the Tales of Malifaux. This podcast goes through the Malifaux fiction one story at a time, starting all the way back with the first book in first edition. It's a great way to catch up on our old stories or go through them again.
Origins was a lot of fun, and we were able to teach so many people how to play Malifaux, The Other Side, Puppet Wars, and Darkness Comes Rattling. We're looking forward to a similar showing at GenCon!
If you'll be attending GenCon, make sure to stop by our booth and say hi! Our eventsare almost completely full, but if there's one you were hoping to take part in, please stop by and check if anyone has dropped out.
And don't forget that we'll be at PAX Unplugged, a brand new convention in Philadelphia. If you have the chance to make it, you should head on out... and while you're there, come visit Wyrd! |
That's it for now, but don't forget to check out our newest Wyrd Chronicles!
Have a good one, |
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