pátek 17. února 2017

Wyrdí únorový zpravodaj


February is an exciting month for the Wyrd community. We have numerous community events taking place and a number of updates for our fans. It's a great time to get involved, so without further ado...
The Other SIde's Kickstarter concluded last month, and it got the funding that was needed for a huge game launch. We are thrilled to be bringing this game to the community, and backers currently taking part in playtesting to make sure the rules are the best they can be.

As of today, we launched the pledge manager for the game. This means that everyone who pledged can go in and select the items they want or add new items to their pledge, so if you backed please check your e-mails.

What's more, we're allowing late pledges! If you missed the opportunity to get in on the Kickstarter, there's still a chance to get involved. Come check out the late backer area here to find out more.
As you already know, Through the Breach is moving to a second edition! The game is fully compatible with all released Through the Breach products to date, and it brings a lot of new clarity, background, and player choices to the game.

If you're interested in the game or what second edition has to offer, this is a great time to start playing. We are currently hosting a worldwide Through the Breach campaign calledA Stitch in Time.

A Stitch in Time is a full 4 session adventure being made available for free to those who sign up to play, and it even includes quick play rules for those of you who don't already own the game. This campaign will give you an insight into how the second edition works, all while giving the players a chance to shape the future of the Malifaux world!

Click on the link above to check out this exciting opportunity and sign up today!
In addition to the A Stitch in Time event mentioned above, we have a number of other community events you can be involved in.

The Storied Soundtracks contest is a great chance for writers to try their hand at creating a story set in the Malifaux universe by drawing inspiration from a chosen song (the "soundtrack"). One lucky writer will be chosen as the winner and have their story published in the Wyrd Chronicles, as well as earning a cash prize. Click on the link for full details.

There's another contest that is swiftly drawing to a close, the Voodoo contest! This contest is a chance for participants to post some of their painted Malifaux figures in exchange for a chance to win a voodoo doll! Unlike most painting competitions, this one has a simple raffle to win, so get our your paintbrushes and join in!
Below is a look at the next two months of releases.

Wyrd February Releases:

Wyrd March Releases:

We are also putting the Malifaux posters back into our webstore.
The Hand That Feeds one shot adventure is now available for $5 on DriveThruRPG.
Wyrd Chronicles is now available for free. This magazine contains stories, gameplay tips, and more!

And don't forget to check out the biweekly, free, Breachside Broadcast!
If you ordered any errata cards from Wargame Vault and experienced an issue, please head on over to this post to for more information.

We look forward to this month, and we're excited about the upcoming conventions we'll be attending. If you'll be at GAMA Trade Show or Adepticon in March, make sure to drop by and see us!

Thanks for reading, and we'll see you soon!

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