Core Rules Questions
Q: If a model has immunity to Blasts and it is hit with an Attack which includes a Blast icon in the damage profile, is the model immune to that attack? Or is it only immune to damage caused by having a Blast Marker placed over it?A: The model is only immune to damage caused by having a Blast Marker placed over it, so it is not immune to the Attack.
Q: Rasputina’s Sub Zero Trigger states that it immediately ends the Attacker’s Activation. If a model Charges and Rasputina uses the Sub Zero Trigger on the first Attack, would the Attacker still get the second Attack from the Charge Action?A: No. When the model ends its Activation it immediately proceeds to the end Activation step and it may do nothing further; it may not take any more Attacks, declare Triggers, or otherwise do anything it would normally do during its Activation.
Q: The Black Blood Shaman’s Black Blood Pustule Action states that it may only target models with the Black Blood Ability. Can it target models with the Black Blood Condition?A: No. Abilities and Conditions are two separate things.
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