Like the Burning Man lingering over London, con season is upon us! We're still winding down from the great time we had at Origins Game Fair 2018, and we couldn't have done it without our volunteers. Thanks to everyone who helped out or stopped by our booth. Now it's time for us to prepare for Gen Con at the beginning of August. We hope to see you there!
In this month's newsletter, we're covering June's Chronicles issue, The Other Side's release dates, our awesome Wyrdscapes, Through the Breach's latest adventures, and our upcoming releases.
The Burning Man beckons out to all that hear its call as Abyssinia rallies their troops for the looming invasion. The Gibbering Hordes are spilling out onto the streets while the King's Empire prepares to defend their homes. The Other Side is near.
If you're a backer, expect to receive your order of The Other Side this August! Don't worry; if you didn't get the chance to back the game, you'll be able to get your hands on it shortly thereafter when The Other Side hits retail in October.
We've teased them on our forums. We've given glimpses of them on social media. If you were at Origins, you might have even scooped up a pre-release box or two. But come Gen Con, our Wyrdscapes will be available to everyone!
These fantastic terrain pieces are fully detailed inside and out. Build your own version of the Quarantine Zone with the Haunted Spires, Pathways, the Abandoned Store, Makeshift Defenses, and the Solarium. Make sure your gaming table looks and feels epic with Wyrdscapes.
We've got a lot of Through the Breach releases coming your way. This month, we released The Show Must Go On, a Penny Dreadful One-Shot, where the Fated must help Colette find one of her rising stars.
Our next Penny Dreadful, Northern Sedition, is just around the corner; the Fated will have to deal with the aftermath of a massacre in the much-anticipated sequel to Northern Aggression.
Soon, you'll also be able to play as a Magewright, Propagandist, and more in Above the Law, a full expansion for Through the Breach that focuses on the Guild.
Break on through to The Other Side. We just released our latest issue of Chronicles. This month, we decided to take a detailed look at our upcoming miniatures game. If you're not familiar with The Other Side yet, here's a great way to introduce yourself to the game.
Comparing Malifaux & The Other Side: An in-depth look at the differences and similarities in our two miniatures games!
Storming Into the Breach – Starting the Other Side: Interested in The Other Side but don’t know which Allegiance to pick or what you want in your Company? Let’s give you a hand.
Little Star: A mother and daughter down on their luck as a mysterious light appears over London.
Painted Model Gallery: A close-up look of some of The Other Side’s fully painted models.
The Other Side – Battle Report: The Cult of the Burning Man and the King’s Empire duke it out in a play-by-play breakdown of The Other Side.
Lost at Sea – The Other Side Scenario: An Abyssinian destroyer gets bombarded by an unknown enemy. Can you survive the Hordes?
You can find the latest issue of Chronicles for the low cost of FREE on DriveThruRPG!
Here's what you'll be able to find on store shelves soon:
July Releases
WYR20140 Domador De Cadaveres $16.00
WYR20352 Neil Henry $11.00
WYR20445 Hinamatsu $15.00
WYR20540 Freikorps Engineers $18.00
WYR20643 Gautraeux Bokors $24.00
WYR20732 Charm Warders $24.00
WYR20908 Backdraft Encounter Box $60.00
WYR20542 Benny Wolcomb $11.00
August Releases
WYR20142 Riotbreaker $24.00
WYR20141 Monster Hunters $21.00
WYR20247 Gravediggers $24.00
WYR20353 Paul Crockett $11.00
WYR20642 Bayou Smugglers $18.00
WYR20733 Obsidian Statue $30.00
WYR20907 Undying Encounter Box $60.00
Wyrd has a variety of media available for free to everyone.
Every Wednesday, a new wallpaper is available on our website for Wallpaper Wednesday. There is a large collection of Malifaux options available, as well as a variety of options for some of our other games.
We have a free ezine available, Wyrd Chronicles. The Chronicles have stories, hobby articles, RPG adventures, and more! Be sure to check out this magazine, currently available on DriveThruRPG.
Most Mondays, we release a look at something upcoming in our Monday Preview. These are a great opportunity to see what Wyrd is working on and what's coming down the pipeline. We have a lot of things to show off, so check back every Monday!
Every other Thursday, we release a free podcast called the Tales of Malifaux as part of our Breachside Broadcast. This podcast goes through the Malifaux fiction one story at a time, starting all the way back to the first book in the first edition. It's a great way to catch up on our old stories or go through them again.
Gen Con is just around the corner. If you're headed toward Indianapolis in early August, why not volunteer? We're still looking for a few faces to demo some of our games. Definitely make sure to drop by and say hello - we'll have a ton of new stuff to talk about!
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